About Priya Khanna (Nutritionist)

Education Qualification

  • BHSc Dietetics and Food Service Management
  • MHSc Food Science and Nutrition
  • Cert. in Fitness & Personal Training & Aerobic Instructor

Work Experience

  • More than 20 years of experience in field of Nutrition and Therapeutic Diet Plan
  • Diet Consultant
  • Specializes in handling medical conditions like thyroid, diabetes, cancer, acidity and other gastrointestinal problems, dyslipidemia, menopause, osteoporosis, basic renal issues along with weight loss / gain and weight maintenance
  • Health talks to create nutritional awareness
  • Authored articles in various publications
  • Worked under specialist doctors and various gyms as Diet Consultant
  • International Diet consultant for Clients based in USA, Australia, Dubai, Switzerland, UK etc.

The Many Treasures

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The Many Treasures (TMT) was started with the idea that health is the greatest treasure. TMT represents a Vedic view of healthy mind and body by creating a balance of the 5 elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Space & Air), the very foundation of life. Believing that we are what we eat.

"The Many Treasures" by Priya Khanna is a first-of-its-kind venture that specializes in Therapeutic Dietetics and Nutrition therapy. We believe that food is a natural pharmacy, with excellent healing powers. Health is our most significant wealth - If you take care of your body and put in real, nourishing food, you can perform well throughout your life.

Food works on the body as well as the mind.

At The Many Treasures, we aim to help you discover a zone of your well-being without physical, psychological, and social distress. Our firm belief is that the key to changing habits is to understand how change occurs.

Our philosophy emphasizes Total Lifestyle Change by transforming subconscious choices into automatic healthy eating decisions.

Experience Our Unique Approach

You cannot undo the effects of a bad diet and lifestyle with exercise alone

What and When you eat – programs your body for wellness or sickness

Food is the primary weapon to fight off every bodily distress

Fixing the food selection system can solve almost all health problems

Food & eating goes beyond carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

Our Venture

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  • The Many Treasures emphasizes the need to go back to our roots.
    ‘The Route to the Roots’ has been our motto.
  • Eating local and sustainable food has always been our message.
  • Creating health awareness among people and helping them change their eating habits and lifestyle.


Helping people find the ‘Route to Roots’ through our local food and culinary richness


  • To enrich the lives of the community by ‘Fixing the Food’ and reclaiming health and wellness through simple, practical solutions.
  • To help people develop a positive relationship with food and teach them that food is not just about calories, but can be an enriching, healing and life-changing resource.


Our Offerings
  • Health assessment based on weekly Anthropometric measurements and body composition
  • Checking complete medical profile – from current blood test to past medical history etc
  • Enabling Healthy Food choices through Diet counselling
  • Personalized diet prescriptions from basic to specialized plans
  • Achieving weight loss / gain along with normalizing of blood parameters

Online consultancy

We offer online diet plans via exchange of emails and over phone calls. This is also a convenient way to avail our services to achieve optimal health through balance nutrition.



We believe the power of one on one advice. It’s important to understand a person in and out and not just what’s wrong with their food. We believe in creating a trusting, honest, and loyal relationship with the person. We create an induced, safe environment where there is no judgment and just acceptance. We go the extra mile to ensure the person is comfortable and trusts us with their vulnerabilities, enabling them to work with us to make the right food choices. Our counselling sessions will make you believe that empathy conquers all. Since food is more than just physical and physiological needs, counselling helps in balancing mental, emotional and spiritual aspect.

We aim to understand the relationship of issues that are causing a specific health problem. In our counselling sessions we understand the complete lifestyle of the person and seek out the sphere of life that is causing trouble and provide long-term fixes that will last for a lifetime.

We are passionate about guiding people to live life to the fullest by fixing food selection systems and lifestyles.

Diet Plans

When something goes wrong with the body, the mind, too, is afflicted. We aim to understand the physiology and psychology of the person. The diet therapy we follow is simple and doesn’t make any undue demands on your body – you don’t have to starve to stay fit!

A comprehensive body analysis is conducted and medical reports scrutinised before any diet is prescribed. We believe that all bodies are differently designed, and therefore no two people are constitutionally or genetically similar and hence the diets are planned keeping this in mind. Weekly change of diet plans happen to monitor the body's response to the diet plan and alter them accordingly. It also helps to track the progress and establish the goals for a healthy life.

We do not prescribe random fad and starvation diets that may cause damage to your system in the long-term. Our vision thus is to teach you how to ward off diseases and nourish the body with food.



The diet plans are easy to follow and contain a lot of functional foods that boost up your body processes efficiently.

The Many Treasures provides basic organic food products from mother earth. “Making Food Thy Medicine”.

Nutrition is not only dependent on quantity but also the quality of food we eat. Towards this the best of the products required for an effective diet plan are made available under one roof. The emphasize is to support local farmers and procure the best and freshest ingredients with minimum processing

Some products are sourced directly from the organic farmers. Other products are based on research and customized to meet nutritional requirements and taste, making it easier to follow the diet plan.

Food Ingredients

  • Brown Rice
  • Jowar Flour
  • Wheat Bran Flour
  • Barley Flour
  • Buckwheat Flour
  • Flaxseeds
  • Flaxseeds powders
  • Lignans Powder
  • Sprouted Ragi Flour
  • Foxtail millet
  • Red Poha

Other Food Ingredients

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Rolled Oats
  • Oats Flour
  • Steel Cut Oats
  • Buck wheat Groats
  • Quinoa
  • Quinoa Flour

Many Treasures Specialized Premixes and Ready to Eat Foods without any Preservatives.

  • Ready Soup (Green / Barley/ Ragi)
  • Nachani Dosa
  • Soya Upma
  • Soya Idili
  • Mix Grain Khichadi
  • Soya Milk (made by an expert in the field of nutrition)
  • Khakaras (Moong ,Nachani, Soya, Bran, etc.)


Sheetal Dhodi Before Consultation

Thank you for making me "Fat to Fit". Honestly speaking, its a dream come true.

Your ultimate weight-loss diet plan has given me a fit & chiseled body in a matter of 8 months. Its like you die of eating , yet you stay 'slim & trim' like model.

The best compliment I have received is "Are you a mother of a 8 year old kid" ? You don't look like .......... OMG !!!! My happiness knew no bounds... it was as if I have won the greatest award in the competition. All credit goes to you.

Not only this, I have gained lot of self-confidence, motivating me to participate in the extra curricular activities being sponsored by our office. I feel so happy to inform you that I am a part of my office Cricket team. Truly, its a great moment & achievement for me.

Even after my Cancer treatment got over my weight was not reducing in fact I was gaining more , but your diet plan has not only helped me to lose but also made me look healthy and strong enough to fight cancer.

Once again, thank you so much for bringing great change in my personality and look.

Sheetal Dhodi

Sheetal Dhodi After Consultation
Meena Podar Before Consultation

I have been consulting with Priya Khanna for past Five months and I am delighted to say that the results are highly motivating. Her consultation and customized diet plan has helped me cut down significantly on my medicines, improve overall health, transition to apt weight and, stay positive. She reverberates optimism, highly skilled and one of the best. I would highly recommend for all who cares for their health and well-being. Stay healthy and Enjoy 'The Many Treasures' trove.

Meena Podar

Meena Podar After Consultation